Leica M4P - summicron 35 pre asph IV

Messages : 1
Depuis le 4 oct 2021
Hello, excuse moi if I will use english, because I almost forgot all the french that I studied in high school. :)
I am based in Europe, and I would like to enter to Leica world. I found a Leica M4 p with a 35mm summicron 35 f2.

The problem is that the 35mm summicron is the v4 king (plastic one).

The camera seems estetically quite ok B+ ( a little bump on the right side not too visible, and some minor scratches not so visible on the edges). The camera has the zync plate, the courtains are ok, the viewfinder quite contrasty, just a little foggy (like that it need to be cleaned the inner part of the large viewfinder glass), a little part of vulcanite on the side lower part is missing. It has no box, and as accessories a black leica exposimeter.

The lens is 35mm summicron f2 version v4 (plastic one), without box only with lens rectangular hood. I tried to move the upper external part, and it seems stable but not too bulky, but anyway very compact without haze or fungus or dust inside.Just a minor scratch not too visible.

Do you think a price for both around 2500€ is too much? Only the camera 1000?

What do you think would be the cost for only the camera? Can I fix the viewfinder (it seems to work ok, but...)?
    Re: Leica M4P - summicron 35 pre asph IV
Messages : 15
Depuis le 6 déc 2020
Hello Aquilasfx,

In 2021 the price for a A+(good state) M4-P is about 1200-1400 euro depending of the look and state. Fully cleaned and maintened and repainted is far higher, but correct condition should be around those prices. The fact that the viewfinder is foggy means it will need to be cleaned, and please take this opportunity to make a "CLA" (cleaned and adjusted) operation, that seems to be about 300 to 400 euros (as far as I noticed).

The camera coverage, if you want it to be replaced, can be done using Aki Ashahi covers. I don't know how much it costs. You can avoid this if the look is good for you and the lack of coverage is minor.

The exposure meter, I'm not sure, but should be about 120 to 170 euros (I saw some at this price somewhere). Very often the Leicameter creates marks on the camera, it should make the price adjustable if there are marks.

The 35mm f2 KOB is usually sold about 1800 to 2000 euros right now. In good condition.

Nouveau dans l'univers Leica, mais je vous lis régulièrement
    Re: Leica M4P - summicron 35 pre asph IV
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Messages : 831
Depuis le 5 sep 2006
it look like a good price for the combo. M4-p are very reliable and sturdy camera . They are usually foggy if they never pass through maintenance since 1980 and it is needed to synchronise the speed and make the rangefinder pristine. Check also the small lever to see if all the frame appear in the visor.
You can do this maintenance at Photo suffren, Paris, you will not recognize the visor after.
For what we call the vulcanite , this is a classic problem and if you can leave with that it is ok .
35mm KOB is a fair lens for leica M in 35mm, not the best but not the worst.
For me the leica meter is totally useless and I don’t advise you to use it … sold it if you can and buy a small pocket one.
photographe du dimanche, parfois des autres jours de la semaine aussi...
Messages : 1041
Depuis le 23 oct 2009
Permettez cet avis :
D'abord, je m'exprime en français, n'en vous déplaise
Ensuite, il n'y a pas que Suffren pour réviser les boitiers et optiques, loin s'en faut...
Et puis, ce modèle de summicron 35mm est tout à fait excellent, sans restriction, pour peu qu'il soit en bon état de fonctionnement.
Quant au prix, c'est l'offre et la demande, pour peu que l'usage prime sur la spéculation.

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