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E-book d'Erwin Puts

MessagePosté: vendredi 25 mai 2012 - 23:42
par Titch@

MessagePosté: dimanche 27 mai 2012 - 19:15
par LUTZ

je viens de le télécharger, sous MAXC OS X.5.8, et pas moyen d'ouvrir le fichier, ou de le transférer sur "Books" dans I tune, pour l'ouvrir sur Iphone...

si quelqu'un peux m'aider..?

MessagePosté: dimanche 27 mai 2012 - 23:04
par LUTZ
Problème résolu en téléchargeant Stuffit expander.

MessagePosté: lundi 28 mai 2012 - 8:45
par Blowupster
Mais quel est le contenu de cet ouvrage?

MessagePosté: lundi 28 mai 2012 - 9:47
par Robert
Cela figure dans le blog de EP

The electronic book with title ‘Leica Chronicle’ is now ready. Publication will be after May 15. The e-book will be available as Epub and Kindle for the price of Euro 5.99 (you get both versions for this price). You pay as usual through paypal. The ebook has no DMR, so any buyer can use it on all electronic gadgets and computers in both formats. Below is a table of contents, subject to last minute change of course, but you can grasp the main coverage. Every product has the major specifications, an illustration and a description, putting the product in historical and technical context. The content is new and not a recycling of the text in the Leica Compendium!

Later in the year, around Photokina, a printed and expanded version will be available (hardcover, 400+ pages full color, size 115 x 165 mm) for Euro 19.99.

0: Introduction
1: Leica Prototypes
Barnack's idea
Leica Prototypes: Ur-leica, Handmuster, Versuchsserie (0-series)
2: Prewar Leica cameras
Developments in the visual arts
Leica I series
Leica II series
Leica III Series
3: Wartime Leica cameras
Leica IIIc
Military models WW2
4: Postwar Thread mount cameras
Leica IIIc to IIIg
5: Unusual LTM cameras
Leica 250, 72, Post, X-ray, 0-series-replica
6: Evaluation
Assessment of the Barnack camera system
7 History of Leitz 1849 -1949
100 years of Leitz Werke
8: Leica M: film loading series
Leica M3
Leica M2 to M4-P
Leica M6 to MP (new)
Leica M6TTL to M7
9: Leica M: digital series
Leica M8 to M8.2
Leica M9 to M9-P
10: Unusual M-cameras
Special editions
Unusual cameras: MS, KS, KE, M5, CL, MD, MP
11: Leica R: single lens reflex
Leicaflex - series
Leica R3
Leica R4 - R7
Leica R8 - R9 - DMR
12: Leica compact cameras
AF-C1 to Minilux Zoom
C- and CM- series
13: Leica digital compact cameras
Fujifilm cameras
Panasonic cameras
14: Leica S-system
Leica S1
Leica S2
15: Leica lenses
Leica M lenses
Leica R lenses
Leica Visoflex lenses
Leica S lenses
Leica C lenses
16: History of Leica 1950 - 2012
1950-1980: Rise and fall of Leitz Werke
1980- 2005: Declining fortunes
2005-2012: phoenix redux
17: Camera construction
Body construction
18: Evaluation